Interface ILog
Method Definitions
Name | Optional Fields | Description |
RequestTransactionLogs |
page limit from to student_number successful_only failures_only ip |
Retrieve transaction logs within given parameter set |
Field Definitions
Name | Type | Description |
student_number | int | A valid student number. Only return transaction logs for the given student number. |
page | int | The page number of paginated block to return - depends on total results filtered by parameters. |
limit | int | The number of results to return per page. Maximum is 100. |
from | datestamp | Must be a valid datestamp or optionally just a year and month. The from date range that the transactions should be listed. |
to | datestamp | Must be a valid datestamp or optionally just a year and month. The end date range that the transactions should be listed. |
successful_only | mixed | If this parameter is specified with any value, only successful transactions will be returned |
failures_only | mixed | If this parameter is specified with any value, only unsuccessful transactions will be returned |
ip | string | If this parameter is specified with any value, only transactions actioned by this IP address will be returned |